Our Partners

Our project is not possible without the support and generosity of our partners. Force 7 Sailing thanks our partners for contributing to our team’s journey.

Gold Level Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors

Bronze Level Sponsors

In-Kind Supporters

Grants & Awards

Angus Bruneau Student Life Fund

SDH Special Awards Program


Funding Tracker

Thanks to the generosity and support of our sponsors, donors and the grants we’ve been awarded, Force 7 Sailing has reached 42.3% of our overall funding goal. Reach out to media@force7sailing.com or donate through our Wind Athletes page to help our team close this gap!


Become a Sponsor today

Make a donation.

Force 7 Sailing is proud to be a part of the Wind Athletes Canada Organization. Wind Athletes supports sailors and sailing teams promote their team and reach their goals. Learn more about how you can support Force 7 Sailing at the link below