Monthly Recap: February

Team Update.

February was another productive month for Force 7 Sailing. We have been working hard to grow our team, and have made progress in every field of our team's efforts. Here's what we have been up to this month. 

Our Materials and Logistics team have been working closely, and have successfully acquired our first sustainable material, Basalt Fiber. With this arriving at Memorial University just before our students went on Midterm Break, the build team is preparing for the start of our build phase. Our design space has been reorganized and tidied up and we’re looking forward to using this space! This exciting step forward, allows our team to watch our designs finally come to life. 

This was another successful month from our Finance and Logistics team, as they continue to make strides towards reaching our fundraising goals. Force 7 Sailing would like to again thank our newest silver level sponsors Pembroke Private Wealth Management and North Sun Energy for their support. 

Force 7 Sailing is looking forward to the following month, and hope to continue this momentum into the final month of this quarter. 


Monthly Recap: March


Monthly Recap: January