Monthly Recap: July

Team Update.

July was an exciting month for Force 7 Sailing. With further steps taken in our build process and securing additional funding for our team, we are excited to continue pursuing our goal and working towards competition.

The build and design team have been continuously working on various aspects of our project. Additional Basalt Fiber and Balsa wood was delivered, to help our team continue making progress towards the completion of our moth!

We’re excited to announce our training moth has officially arrived in the hands of our Dalhousie team and we’re looking forward to getting our sailors out on the water! The purchase of the training moth was finalized in late June, and our logistics team has been working tirelessly to get this new moth delivered to Nova Scotia. 

We’ve acquired our very first Gold Level Sponsor: Genoa Design International. Genoa Design International has been providing production design and 3D modeling services to shipbuilding and offshore industries in Newfoundland and Labrador since 1995. In that time, they have become one of the most sought-after production design firms in the North American shipbuilding market. We’re grateful to have such an overwhelming deal of support from such a reputable Newfoundland company.

We are seeking new sponsors and partners to help support us in reaching our goals. We would like to direct any inquiries to our email

Stay tuned for further updates and exciting announcements!


Monthly Recap: August


Monthly Recap: June